Help us Grow!
If you found this website helpful, please consider making a donation.
Your support allows us to keep the website up and running. It also enables us to create new content (including adding additional instructions, photographs and videos).
100% of your donation is used for the growth of the website. Thank you for your support!
$1000 and above
Robie Kibbe (In Memory of Doug Kibbe)
Madeline Vilfroy (In Memory of Bob Vilfroy)
$500 and above
Patty Cotts (Thanks, Mom!)
$100 and above
$50 and above
$20 and above
$10 and above
Note: Low Tech solutions is not yet established as 501(c)(3) (non-profit).
However, 100% of all donations go solely towards adding content to the site
Low Tech Solutions Website:
Long Term Goals
To complete the sections on Assessment & Resources
To include information on strategies and techniques which can make low tech communication more efficient and successful.
Information on training communication partners.
- To add content from AAC Users and AAC Professionals
- To create a blog on low tech communication
- To include more case studies, photographs and videos showing individuals with a wide range of abilities using low tech communication
- To include Spanish content
To add information on: - Gesture (including how to perform a assessment for gestures)
- Call buttons (including switch adapted call buttons)
- Addressing the needs of people with progressive disabilities